Either that you are a family guy searching for a place to live, or that you are a college student who needs a place to stay, it doesn’t matter, you just need to find that perfect neighborhood for you. What does perfect mean?! A neighborhood that should match your lifestyle and your life-stage too. Specialists’ state that even though this might seem scary at first, if you follow certain guidelines and steps it should be easier. So, let’s discover these steps together!

First of all, you need a community that meets your demands and your budget too. There is no place for you to dreamabout something you can’t afford; take your time and analyze everything objectively! The most likely conclusion you’ll get – you need to compromise and be realistic!

Making sure you end up in the perfect house, firstly requires to determine if the house is situated in a good neighborhood. In other words, it doesn’t matter if the house is excelling if the location is terrible. It will ruin everything… After all, you don’t intend to move from one place to another! It’s not a hobby, is it?

You live how you choose to live!

How can you decide what is right for you? Well, it’s not that problematic as it might appear, but you have to get a clear picture of what you really need and what stands as a silly ambition. Figure out what exactly you intend doing in the future and then start scrutinizing the market. Next, once you have a list of, let’s say three neighborhoods that might work for you, then try to get a snapshot of how you’ll be living there. Which fits you better? Expose your wish list properly to your real estate agent and then take a big breath and choose!

While you may think moving is exciting at first sight, well in the end you’ll probably get to a common conclusion – ‘It’s extremely stressful!’ Here are some of the things to consider when trying to find the perfect neighborhood!great neighborhood

Steps in finding the perfect neighborhood!

Step 1 – Set your priorities

You need to have a clear picture of what matters the most for you and what things you can compromise on. Before a real estate agent can help you, firstly you need to establish what type of community might meet your requirements. For instance,

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About Mme Jocelyne

Hi, I'm a transplanted northerner–(born and raised in New York to French immigrants–Oui je parle Francais)-living in Florida for 20 years. In the 70's I worked as a realtor in the Bronx – City Island to be exact. Then I started a family and didn't keep up my license. I aspired to a career in architecture, so I went to New York Institute of Technology for three years, moved to Florida and finished my degree at the University of Florida in Gainesville. After 10 years of working in my dream career I sustained an injury to my shoulder. This injury never healed because I was constantly on the computer doing cad design. I finally decided to make a career change – something where I could use my training as an architect. Needless to say, I was worried – where will the money come from? How will I be able to afford my career change? But, I put my faith in God and went for it. It’s the best move I ever made, other than my husband, children and dogs.

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